The same cannot be said of Litang. As a center of Tibetan culture and the birthplace of several Dalai Lamas, the town has a distinctly Tibetan character that is hard to put into words.
In my short time there, some of the things I saw included:
- A kid herding yaks down the main street in and out of traffic.
- A snake oil salesman selling homemade remedies on the street.
- Young Tibetan Buddhist monks wearing Kobe Bryant jerseys.
- Merchants peddling huge blocks of yak butter along the side of the street.
- Countless young Tibetan men playing pool and riding motorcycles.
- And the annual Tibetan horse festival.
One event that I chose NOT to view was a Tibetan sky burial, though a few tourists we ran into said they were able to watch it from afar.
My plans to visit Tibet didn't materialize this time around, but in Western Sichuan I did get to try the obligatory Tibetan yak butter tea (it's awful) and visit my share of Tibetan Buddhist temples, not to mention viewing the amazing mountain landscapes.
Next stop: Yading Nature Reserve.
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